Total Recall Cab Driver

Back in the days of living in Manhattan, I would take taxi cabs pretty often. The subways are almost always crowded with disgusting, smelly people with no concept of personal space, and the bus always takes forever to get from point A to point B. The role of the taxi driver is often stereotyped, but in New York, you’re bound to run into many different and interesting characters sitting behind the wheel of a taxi. The same can be said for taxi drivers in the movies, too. The job isn’t easy, and driving in New York can be a nightmare if you don’t have quick reflexes and a bit of aggression. In honor of the skilled men (and women? I’ve met maybe two female cabbies) that get us to our destinations quickly and for a fair price, I’ve compiled a list of 11 memorable taxi drivers from movies.

I worked at a make-up shop that did the Robot inside the cab. All of us at the shop only knew it as Johnnycab (not describing the whole car and everything in it). Rob Bottin of THE HOWLING, THE THING, And ALL of the make-up effects in TOTAL RECALL called me up to finish off the fiberglass chest, head, and hat of the Robot (Body shopping like a. Benny the cab driver says he wishes he had three hands while fondling the triple-breasted prostitute. In fact, he does. He has a normal hand, a mutant hand which is revealed to gain Quaid's trust, and a robotic snap-on hand to hide his mutant hand. Further, the animated cab in Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) was named Benny.

The Ghost of Christmas Past – Scrooged

Hot hot hot!

Played by David Johansen a.k.a. Buster Poindexter, The Ghost of Christmas Past appears to Frank Cross as a lunatic New York City cabbie with a thick Brooklyn accent. The Ghost shows Frank his past – naturally – including a part of his life where Frank chose work over his girlfriend, an event that helped shape him into the detached, cold television executive he is in the present.

Solicitor/Taxi Driver – The Game

The driver has bailed, leaving Mr. Van Orton in a sinking taxi.

This “taxi driver” is really an employee of the cryptic company Consumer Recreation Services (CSR) who locks Nicholas Van Orton in the back seat of his cab. With the car still racing forward through red lights and toward a body of water, the taxi driver (whose face is significantly scarred) jumps and rolls into the road, leaving Nicholas to figure out how to escape. It’s all part of his “game.” The part is played by none other than Tommy Flanagan.

Cab Driver Free Game

Benny – Total Recall

Screwwwwww youuuuuuu!!!!!

In the future, cabs aren’t just driven by people; sometimes mutants and robots get behind the wheel, too. Johnny Cabs are difficult to have conversations with and can be incredibly frustrating, but they’ve also replaced most of the human cab drivers for some strange reason. In any event, the Johnny Cab from Total Recall was pretty memorable, but the nod here goes to Benny, a mutant in disguise with five four kids to feed. Quaid ends up killing Benny, complete with a patented Arnie one-liner.

Mickey Fitzpatrick – She’s The One

Hey a**shole, we lost two of our guys – whoops, wrong movie.

Mickey deals with women and family in She’s The One, and his humble job as a taxi driver gives him a very grounded outlook on the events that transpire in his and their lives. Mickey is a stark contrast to his brother Francis, who works on Wall Street and does quite well for himself. Mickey is an admirable character, mostly because he values love and friendship over material things.

Max – Collateral

A jazz club? Sure, sounds swell…

Max’s routine night turns into a terrifying adventure filled with murders and chases after he picks up the lethal Vincent. Max really has no choice but to drive Vincent around, for refusal would result in Max’s brains being splattered all over the interior of his cab. He eventually sacks up, though, when he realizes that one of Vincent’s targets was an attractive prosecutor he had driven earlier in the day.

Travis Bickle – Taxi Driver

The ultimate taxi driver.

You didn’t think I’d leave out Bickle, did you? Come on. What a maniac.

Corky – Night on Earth

A smokin’ cabbie smokin’

There are several cab drivers in Night on Earth – after all, it’s a movie about cab drivers – but the most memorable (for me) was Corky. Like I mentioned above, you very, very rarely get into a cab with a female driver, and if you do, chances are she is nowhere near as good-looking as Winona Ryder. Corky drives in Los Angeles and, lucky for her, one of her passengers thinks she’d be perfect for a role in a movie.

John Winger – Stripes

Who cried when Old Yeller got shot at the end?

Sure, most of Winger’s adventures in Stripes are with the U.S. Army, but remember, before becoming a soldier, he was driving a cab. Winger despised his job as a cabbie, evidenced by his tormenting of his more obnoxious passengers (“Madam, perhaps you’d like to eat your luggage;” “I shouldn’t have drank all that cough syrup.”) and eventual abandonment of his cab on the side of the road.

Taxi Driver – Old School

Really, who wears a seat belt in a cab?

He’s only in the movie for a couple of seconds, but he gets things going with a bang:

Mitch: I’m sorry, your seat belt seems to be broken. What do you recommend I do?

Cabbie: I recommend you stop being such a f*ggot. You’re in the back seat.

Mel Johnston

Korben Dallas – The Fifth Element

Anyone else wanna negotiate?

Former Special Forces member and current taxi driver Korben Dallas is given the responsibility of saving humanity when Leeloo appears in his cab. What follows is an intergalactic battle against aliens and a race to stop the Great Evil before it devours Earth. The Fifth Element is a very, very cool sci-fi flick, and other than Bickle, Dallas is the most bad ass cabbie on this list.

Jack Bruno – Race to Witch Mountain

Wait, do you smell that? It smells like something’s cooking…


It seems like it’s always the unwitting cab drivers that are tasked with some monumental duty, and Jack Bruno in Race to Witch Mountain is no exception. Bruno needs to get two children – who are really (gasp!) aliens – to Witch Mountains o that they can reunite with their relatives and save their home planet. Bruno capitalizes on his adventure, writing a book about it and using the proceeds to buy a sweet ass Mustang.

Honorable Mention: Argyle – Die Hard

Argyle didn’t drive a cab – it was a limo – but good lord is he awesome. I’d party with Argyle any day.


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Total Recall Taxi

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Total recall cab driver


Douglas Quaid played by Arnold Schwarzenegger

Douglas Quaid is a simple worker who decides that a vacation from the Recall corporation would be the best vacation. Or at least thats who he thinks he is. In reality Quaid is a former agent of Mr. Cohaagen who is reprogrammed as a 'good' man in an attempt to find out who the rebel underground leader is who would naturally seek out a man whom Mr. Cohaagen appears to want dead so badly.

Lori played by Sharon Stone

Lori in the beginning of the film is introuduced as the wife of Douglas Quaid. In reality she just pretends to be Douglas's wife as part of a plan to make Quaid become a new person than he was before. Lori's true husband is Richter. When Lori is killed Richter makes it his mission to track Quaid down.

Melina played by Rachel Ticotin

Melina is the female that Douglas Quaid travels throughout Mars with as part of what he thinks is his Recall generated vacation. Melina is athletic and fits the type that Douglas Quaid told Recall staff he preferred. Melina helps Quaid elude the men of Mr. Cohaagen and ultimately helps Douglas Quaid find an ancient alien air making machine on mars.

Helm played by Michael Champion

Helm is the assistant of Richter. He is a technogeek of sorts and is seen in the film reading computer displays which provide readouts of Quaid's location as relayed by a bug planted on Douglas Quaid.

Total Recall Benny

Richter played by Michael Ironside

Richter is a right hand man of Mr. Cohaagen. Richter chases Douglas Quaid all over Mars. Richter's wife pretended to be Quaid's wife as part of Mr Cohaagen's scheme to get Quaid his former best agent to become a different person capable of getting close to the leader of Mars resistance.

Dr. Edgemar played by Roy Brocksmith

Dr. Edgemar is a pschologist that is dispatched to Douglas Quaid in an attempt to convince Douglas to let the company Recall help him emerge from the fantasy trip it created for him which is his life at the moment. Quaid doesen't buy this but thinks it is possible that his entire adventure at Mars is a Recall holiday. But when Quaid points a gun at the Dr. and he sweats, he knows its a lie and promptly shoots Edgemar in the head.

Mr. Cohaagen played by Ronny Cox

Mr. Cohaagen runs Mars and has had to deal with rumors of alien artifacts on the planet as well as a mutant lead rebellion against his rule. He attempts to nip this rebellion in the bud by creating Douglas Quaid, a man whom he chases in an attempt to lure out the rebel underground who will help him because he is a perceived enemy of Mr. Cohaagen.

Mutant Woman

This is just one of the many mutant people seen in the film in the bar on Mars.

George/Kuato human host played by Marshall Bell

Kuato is the mutant leader of the group on Mars that is resisting the corporation that runs it. Kuato is a mutant that lives in the belly of what appears to be an ordinary human, George. Kuato has great mental and telephatic abilities. George hides Kuato almost all of the time to protect against assasination.

Johnnycab voice provided by Robert Picardo

Johnnycab is a animatronic taxi cab driver on Mars. Johnny gives Douglas Quaid a particularly hard time when trying to flee from those who are chasing him. Douglas Quaid says go and shit but the Johnnycab does not know those destinations. Ripped from the chair Johnnycab is thrown from his vehicle by Douglas Quaid who then drives the cab himself.

Benny played by Mel Johnson Jr.

Benny is the cab driver that Douglas Quaid uses to escape trouble when he is being chased. Benny claims he has lots of children to take care of so he needs a large fee for his transportation assistance. Benny is a mutant and also a spy for Mr. Cohaagen who uses Douglas Quaid to find out about the leader of the resistance on Mars so he can be killed..

Midget Prostitute

This is just a cool character. In the brothel on Mars she is seen wandering around quite a bit. When a battle erupts she is one of the first to pick up a gun and fight. Feisty but small sizes this character up.

The Girl of Three

This is the notorius three breasted prostitute of Mars which is seen briefly in the film.

Fat lady/Arnold's Disguise played by Priscilla Allen

This larger lady is a disguise that is used by Arnold's character to evade security on Mars. The face is programmed to say a set number of phrases, and Arnold gets caught when it keep saying 'TWO WEEKS.' Then after guards are staring Arnold takes the head off and throws it as a bomb.

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Johnny Cab

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