Os X Mountain Lion Hackintosh

With the release of OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion comes over 200 new features to your Mac computer. Since Mountain Lion’s release we have covered numerous aspects of the new OS like completing a fresh install of Mountain Lion, and for those of you that are on the fence of updating, 10 reasons why you should update. What if you don’t have a Mac computer however, but a Windows computer and still want to take advantage of Mountain Lion? Well, luckily for you there is a fairly simple process that will allow you to build a Hackintosh computer based off Mountain Lion.

  1. Mac Os X Mountain Lion Bootable Usb Hackintosh
  2. Hackintosh Mountain Lion Iso Download

Before we explain the process of creating an OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion Hackintosh you will need to make sure that you can get access to a Mac computer so that you can purchase/download OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion and create a UniBeast USB drive. While we are on the topic of USB drives you will need a formatted one with a capacity of at least 8GB.

Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.5 is a handy operating system with more than 200 features which has improved user’s experience. Mountain Lion has got its inspiration from world renowned iOS which is a widely used operating system for iPad and iPhone. Mountain Lion Compatible Macs. More precisely than the official info, the following list of Macs support OS X Mountain Lion, provided that they have 2 GB of memory, at least 8 GB of available storage space, and are running Mac OS X 10.6.8 'Snow Leopard' or later, which includes any version of OS X 10.7 'Lion.' If your computer already has Mac OS X Lion installed, Niresh will just update Lion to Mountain Lion normally, without deleting any of your apps or files. However, not every computer will work with Mac OS X. Be sure to read the Hackintosh compatibility guide very carefully, to check whether or not your computer qualifies. Also, Mac OS X needs. Install OS X Mountain Lion On Any Computer Including AMD CPUs. For detail Installation Guide and Instruction read: Install Hackintosh Mountain Lion on PC/Laptop. Hackintosh Mountain Lion supports AMD and Intel Atom Hackintosh Mountain Lion is distributed as an ISO file Hackintosh Mountain Lion works with regular DVDs There are two versions.

Install Mountain Lion Hackintosh PC

Step 1) – The first thing you will need to do is purchase and download OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion from the Mac App Store (direct link). Once it downloads DO NOT install it.

Step 2) – Next you will need to download a program called UniBeast, which is available from a website called TonyMacx86. You will need to register on the website to be able to download the program (it is free).

Step 3) – With the required files downloaded you will begin the process of creating a bootable Mountain Lion USB Drive. Plug in your formatted USB drive into your computer, launch Finder and navigate to /Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility. With Disk Utility open click on your USB drive, and from the Current drop down menu choose the 1 Partition option.

Mac Os X Mountain Lion Bootable Usb Hackintosh


Hackintosh Mountain Lion Iso Download

Mac os x mountain lion hackintosh iso download

Step 4) – Now select Options underneath the Partition Layout menu and ensure that the Master Boot Record option is checked. Additionally, look underneath Format header and ensure that Mac OS X Extended (Journaled) is selected. Finally click Apply and then click the Partition button.

HackintoshOs X Mountain Lion Hackintosh

Step 5) – You will now need to launch UniBeast, the application that you downloaded in step 2. Quickly go through the Introduction, Read Me and License pages and when you get to the Destination Select page you will need to select the USB drive you have been partitioning in the previous steps. Once you have done this click the Continue button and follow the rest of the on-screen instructions.

Note: Keep in mind that if you receive an error stating that Mountain Lion is missing you will need to ensure it is placed in the /Applications folder.

Step 6) – After UniBeast is finished you should have a fully functional bootable Mountain Lion USB drive that can be installed on your PC to create a Hackintosh. As such ensure that your computer is set to boot from USB through the BIOS settings (Google will be your friend here if you don’t know how to do this). Then plug the USB drive into your Windows computer that you want to turn into a Hackintosh and restart your computer.

Note: The next step can be skipped if you are simply updating your Hackintosh computer. For new installations however, you will need to follow it.

Step 7) – After booting from your Mountain Lion USB drive you should see an OS X installer. Select your applicable language, choose Utilities from the menu bar and then launch Disk Utility. With Disk Utility open you will need to select the hard drive you wish to install Mountain Lion to. With your hard drive selected go into the Partition tab. Select the Current drop down menu, followed by 1 partition and then click on Options and choose GUID Partition table. Now name your partition Macintosh HD and set Format to Mac OS X Extended (Journaled).

Os X Mountain Lion Hackintosh

Step 8) – Finally click Apply and then click Partition. Now simply follow the on-screen instructions for installing Mountain Lion on your PC. Once Mountain Lion has been successfully installed, restart your computer, and then choose the new Mountain Lion option to make the drive bootable.

Congratulations! You should now have OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion running on your Windows computer. This means you now have a functional Hackintosh PC. The last thing that you will need to do is install the drivers for your computer. This can be done by using the MultiBeast tool and can be downloaded by clicking here. Please leave any questions and further thoughts in the comments section.

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