Microsoft Sql Server 2005 Express

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Service Pack 4 (SQL Server Express) is a free, easy-to-use, lightweight version of SQL Server 2005. SQL Server Express provides powerful and reliable.
  • With the release of SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and the SQL Server Management Studio Express, Microsoft has entered the small, free database market with a splash trumping even their own.

Posted Apr 1, 2005

I am trying to Install an update on a HP desktop computer for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (KB955706). It has downloaded, yet continues to fail to install.

By Don Schlichting


SQL Express 2005 is a new, FREE, Microsoft SQL Server lightweightedition. This new edition is the upgrade to Microsoft's SQL Server 2000Desktop Edition (MSDE). Targeted to developers of 'simple'applications, it includes a fully functional SQL Server database engine and a QueryAnalyzer type management tool. And best of all, it is FREE to use andredistribute.

What is a 'Simple' application?

Microsoft repeatedly uses the phrases 'simpleapplications', 'lightweight,' and 'mobile or webapplications' when describing the target uses for SQL Server Express2005. However, the generous restrictions of Express make it an ideal databasefor many applications. Express is limited to 1 CPU, 1 GB RAM, and 4 GB Maxdatabase size. There is NO workload governor (See July article SQLSever 2000 MDSE for a complete description of the workload governor). Meaning SQL will not slow, or restrict its response times due to licensingconstraints. SQL Server Express can be installed on a machine with multipleCPUs and RAM in excess of 1 GB, but the database engine will limit scheduler threadsto one, meaning only one CPU will be used. Similarly, the buffer pool, wheredata pages are stored, will only use 1 GB of RAM, regardless of any additionalmemory available. Enterprise features are not supported on SQL Express. Missing are Analysis Services, Reporting Services, DTS, and NotificationServices. Aside from these restrictions, the SQL Server Express databaseengine is the same one found in the other SQL products. Triggers, cursors,views, stored procedures, CLR, XML, and TSQL are all supported the same waythey are in any other version of SQL Server.

Some Microsoft documentation describes SQL Express as a toolfor hobbyists and non-database experts. Don't let these descriptions dissuadeyour use of SQL Express. It is a full featured robust SQL Server engine. AlthoughSQL Express does ship with a tool similar to Query Analyzer, I feel hobbyistsfamiliar with Microsoft Access, or File Maker Pro will not be able to make thetransition. SQL Express is still SQL Server. For DBAs, this is a very goodthing. The familiar methods, functions, and concepts from other versions ofSQL Server carry over without change to SQL Express.


SQL Express is supported on all versions of Windows 2000,and Windows XP Pro. A Pentium III 550 with 256 MB of RAM and 405 MB of diskspace is needed. In addition, the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 is required. It can be downloaded free of charge from Microsoft at This article was written with the February 2005 Community Technology Previewof SQL Server 2005 Express, which can be downloaded at

SQL Installation

Microsoft Sql Server 2005 Express

First, install the Net Framework following the defaults. Next, install SQL Server Express by double clicking the downloaded file. TheCTP setup should begin. After several screens, the install will come to theSystem Configuration Check. Verify that the status of all actions is Success.


At the Feature Selection screen, select the ClientComponents to be installed to the hard drive. Then the SDK and tools will beavailable.

On the next screen, Authentication, select 'WindowsAuthentication Mode' if only Windows users will have permission to SQLExpress. If you need SQL users defined as well as Windows users, select 'MixedMode' and specify a password for sa.

Continue through the next screens to complete theinstallation. An instance called SQL Express will be created by default. Installations can also be accomplished by using an unattended install script. For ISVs, SQL Express now supports Application XCopy, allowing SQL Express totreat databases like files. Therefore, a database can be moved, copied, oremailed along with an application.


Microsoft Sql Server 2005 Express Edition 64-bit Download

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Microsoft Sql Server 2005 Express Sp2

When you try to install Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 1 (SP1), later SQL Server 2005 service packs, or a SQL Server 2005 hotfix package, SQL Server 2005 Database Services or SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services may not be installed successfully. Additionally, the following error message may be logged in the Setup log file:

Error 29528. The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Setting Internal Properties. The error is: Fatal error during installation.


This issue occurs because of one of the following reasons:

  • An operation has removed the local groups for the initial installation of SQL Server 2005.

  • An operation has changed the security identifiers (SID) for the local groups.


Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

322756 How to back up and restore the registry in Windows

For a stand-alone installation of SQL Server 2005

  1. Locate the following registry subkeys that store SID values for the SQL Server instance experiencing the problem. Each key contains a value which should be the SID for the local groups configured when the SQL Server instance was initially installed.




    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.XSetupASGroup

    Note In these registry subkeys, MSSQL.X is a placeholder for the corresponding value on a specific system. You can determine MSSQL.X on a specific system by examining the value of the MSSQLSERVER registry entry under the following registry subkey:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerInstance NamesSQLFor any local groups that have been removed, you should delete the registry subkey. For any local groups for which the SID has been changed you should change the value of the registry subkey to the value of the new SID. You can obtain the SID values by using the PsGetSid command prompt utility. The names of the local groups resemble the following:

    SQLServer2005MSFTEUser$ComputerName$InstanceNameYou can obtain the name from the Local Users and Groups node in the Computer Management console.
    For more information about how to obtain the PsGetSid command prompt utility, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

  2. Reinstall the SQL Server 2005 service pack or the SQL Server 2005 hotfix package.

For a clustered instance of SQL Server 2005

  1. Follow step 1 in the procedure for a stand-alone installation of SQL Server 2005.

  2. Reinstall the clustered instance of SQL Server 2005.

  3. Reinstall the SQL Server 2005 service pack or the SQL Server 2005 hotfix package.


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the 'Applies to' section.

More Information

The initial installation of SQL Server 2005 creates local groups and stores the SID settings for the local groups in the registry. However, the local groups or the SIDs may be removed or changed when you perform the following operations:

  • Install the Active Directory directory service on a member server.

  • Remove Active Directory from a domain controller.

Sql Server Management Studio Express Download

You may find an error message that is similar to the following in the setup log files:

GetServiceUserGroup failed for <InstanceName>, 5
Error Code: 0x80070534 (1332)
Windows Error Text: No mapping between account names and security IDs was done.
Source File Name: sqlcasqlcax.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Sat Nov 22 04:53:51 2008
Function Name: SetInstanceProperty
Source Line Number: 1224
. .
MSI (s) (AC!E0) [13:59:04:122]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (64-bit) -- Error 29528. The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Setting Internal Properties. The error is: Fatal error during installation.
. .
Error 29528. The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Setting Internal Properties. The error is: Fatal error during installation.
<EndFunc Name='LaunchFunction' Return='1332' GetLastError='203'>
CustomAction SetInstanceProperty.3EA9D9BF_D9D2_4023_B2A7_9E2137B2FB1B returned actual error code 1603
Action ended 13:59:04: SetInstanceProperty.3EA9D9BF_D9D2_4023_B2A7_9E2137B2FB1B. Return value 3.
Action ended 13:59:04: INSTALL. Return value 3.

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