Libxercescdev Ubuntucleverjournal



  • UbuntuUpdates
    2021-01-08 23:04:46 UTC

    Linux Mint Ulyssa is released and we now track its packages at (also tracking Mint Imports and Mint Upstream)

  • UbuntuUpdates
    2020-12-30 16:10:30 UTC

    RT Phoronix: #KDE Saw Its #Wayland Support Stabilize Nicely In 2020, Much Polishing…

  • UbuntuUpdates
    2020-12-29 17:09:15 UTC

    Install Ubuntu on MacBook with M1 CPU using Parallel:…

  • UbuntuUpdates
    2020-12-02 17:32:59 UTC

    In 20.04 and 20.10 the version of the chromium-browser package no longer matches the Chromium version running on your system. On 20.10, the package is stuck at v85 but Chromium was actually silently updated under the hood in the snap to version…

  • UbuntuUpdates
    2020-11-13 16:22:18 UTC

    Apple is in control of your Mac, you're not…

  • UbuntuUpdates
    2020-11-12 05:44:12 UTC

    Intel's Graphics Driver Now Sharing ~60% Codebase Between Windows/Linux, 90~100% The Performance…

Dep: libcurl3 (= 7.47.0-1ubuntu2) not amd64, i386 easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library (OpenSSL flavour) dep: libcurl3 (= 7.47.0-1ubuntu2.18) amd64, i386 sug: libcurl3-dbg debugging symbols for libcurl (OpenSSL, GnuTLS and NSS flavours). Secure Sockets Layer toolkit - development files. Package: libssl-dev (1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.18 and others) security.


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